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Tutor Report Guidelines

Dear tutor,

Yours are the only reports that do not rely on statement banks. The comments the Academy receive indicate that the tutor report is carefully read by both parent and tutee. This is a report that parents read to gauge how their child is progressing socially in addition to academically. A negative statement or assumption is quickly noted by parent and student. In fact the production of a carefully constructed and thoughtful tutor report may go unremarked by a parent or tutee; no response normally indicates that you have got the tone and commentary right.

The tutor report requires you to be constructive. The individual flavour of each report is crucial and communicates to parent and tutee a tutor who is insightful and committed; someone who knows and understands their son or daughter.

If you struggle to write something on an individual, this may indicate more tutoring is required.

The following information is intended as a guide on how to structure your report. Below are guidelines on how to approach the content of the report and finally some additional comments and paragraphs that may provide further suggestions on what to include and how to phrase it.

Please remember that these examples should be used as a starting point. Your 'personal touch' should be evident and as discussed, this is generated from knowing each individual in your group.


When writing your report please ensure that the information is set out in a clear, logical sequence. Categorise the content and have a 'theme' for each paragraph. Below is a suggested format which may vary depending on the student you are writing about.

Paragraph one

Comment on their report. Take into account their previous report and comment on progression, strengths, and areas for development.

Paragraph two

Comment on a students overall performance along with their current attendance percentage and progress against Academy attendance target. They may have been involved in an assembly, are involved in the Duke of Edinburgh award, raised money for the local hospice, play in a sports team or represent the year group as part of the Academy forum. What contribution does the student make during tutor time? Are you able to comment on a residential or tutor trip? If the student concerned is a quiet individual or does not readily take part in activities you may want to focus on their cooperation, maturity, responsibility or commitment to their studies. Do not suggest inappropriate strategies. Joining a sports team is not always an ideal solution!

This is an important paragraph and if you struggle to describe a tutee it is worth reflecting on the reasons why. Is it an individual that you rarely talk to? Is it a student who does not take up a lot of your time? If you do find some reports difficult please ensure, as mentioned earlier, that you continue to get to know that student and ensure that through monitoring and conversations with your tutees you gather sufficient information and knowledge on each individual for future reports.
Paragraph three

A final and third paragraph should end with some positive and constructive comments about the way forward for the rest of the academic year. It may be appropriate to write that you look forward to reviewing targets/performance during the following term.

General Guidance

Your goose is our swan

As a parent I want to be reassured from your tutor report:
That you know my child quite well
That you understand my child's particular problems real or imagined
That you are on my child's side
And also however hard:
I want to know that you quite like my child!

Don't hide behind the anonymity of a paper report

Be as polite and considerate in your writing as if the parents were standing before you. You need their respect. They need to know you are a caring professional. Parents are very useful people; don't lose their support with off hand comments.

Positive and upbeat if at all possible

I was very proud to hear of Gary's success in Design and Technology this term. It really does prove what we have known for some time that he has good potential. I do hope that this achievement will give him the confidence to work harder in all his other subjects too.

Seems and appears are better words to use sometimes

Be careful of assuming something about the students that the parents know differently.
"Louise has settled down very well into Academy life."
No she actually cries every night and is being bullied and you just haven't seen it.
"Louise appears to have settled down well at Academy" this could open up discussion between parent and student about how the student is being seen and whether concerns need to be brought into the open.

The students that you don't know. Admit it

I haven't had the chance yet to thoroughly get to know John, however I hope he realises that he can come to me in confidence with any concerns he might have.

Don't state the obvious. Parents can read.

"John has two causes for concern for homework in Maths and English and three for effort in French, English and Science etc etc."
Rather: "I am quite disappointed by the number of causes for concern in John's report......."

Struggling not lazy

'Struggling', 'finding the work challenging', 'still has not quite the confidence to ...', 'finds it difficult to concentrate', avoid lazy! I know you want to be honest but you need these parents' support, try not to rub them up the wrong way with a bad choice of word. Parents are often extremely sensitive.

Find at least one good thing to say if at all possible.

"Henry's report is disappointing this term. He appears to be struggling in many subjects ................ He really needs to concentrate ..... Get his homework in on time......
BUT! I was very pleased indeed that Henry offered to take on the 1800 metre race on Sports Day! It is never a popular choice and I was extremely proud that he finished the race and added much needed points to our team's score. This shows a quiet determination that will be well respected among his peers.

All Tutor Reports Should Contain

  • Grammatically correct comments without spelling mistakes.
  • An indication of the student's overall performance as a member of the Academy and the tutor group. The report should demonstrate obvious knowledge of the student on behalf of the tutor.
  • Clear comments analysing student progress and achievement for that term to draw attention to progress made and progress still needed. These comments should be as specific as possible and when appropriate comment on individual subjects.
  • Specific targets for improvement, academically and more generally as a member of the College.
  • The tutor report at its best should illustrate the individual basis of our student care system.


  1. Stella seems to resist making good relationships with her teachers which is very disappointing. She is a good natured and intelligent girl who should go far. However without meeting her teachers at least half way during normal classroom communication she is putting a good education in jeopardy. I am pleased to see doing well in Art etc etc
  2. I thoroughly enjoy Bill's excellent sense of humour; however he still needs to curb the temptation to interrupt when teachers are addressing the group. Bill needs to realise that many members of the teaching group will begin to feel resentful if they feel that their time is being wasted.
  3. Unfortunately Mary's attitude lets her down at times. She can appear quite rude and dismissive with some teachers which does not help to develop constructive relationships. I find her a real pleasure to talk to in casual conversation and I am hoping she can try to keep her patience and respond more positively in more formal settings.
  4. John is very well liked in the tutor group. However, along with this popularity comes some responsibility to set good standards of behaviour for his peers to follow. I am confident John understands his position and is prepared to take extra care to set a good example.
  5. The concerns noted on Tony's report are very disappointing. However having talked to him about them I feel satisfied he understands where the problems lie and we will work together to hopefully improve the situation.
  6. Valerie has found the work quite challenging in many subjects and I expect she is disappointed with her report this term. I am hoping that we can work together to find strategies to improve her confidence and learning.
  7. Daniel still needs to grow into being at a secondary school. However playful his behaviour can be, unfortunately it is no longer appropriate. He really does need to pay more attention in class and concentrate on the task in hand if he is to take full advantage of his place at Brooke Weston Academy.
  8. John proved himself to be very helpful and capable during the residential and I felt very proud to have him in my group. I am hoping that the experience will give him confidence to make greater efforts in class and show us that he really is a true all rounder with an excellent future ahead of him.
  9. Mabel has had some real problems this term which have left her quite vulnerable it seems and have really affected her performance in class. I am hoping that in time and with good support she can recover her confidence and start to achieve again both in her academic work and her relationships with other students. She must try to voice her concerns as quickly as possible, if they occur, so that we can work together to find solutions.
  10. Diane still appears to worry about her work far more than she perhaps needs to. I understand that she wants to do her very best, but it appears to cause her too much anxiety for a child of her age. I am hoping that with our support she can relax a little and find time to reflect on her successes and enjoy them rather than always worrying about the next task.

Report that shows continuing good work

  1. ------------ continues to be a bright and lively member of the tutor group who is equally respected by students and teachers alike. She is always willing to participate in discussions, but also takes care to listen to other people's points of view.
  2. During CPD lessons ------------- has continued to develop her research and team work skills. She made a valuable contribution to a very successful group presentation about crime.
  3. ------------- is to be commended on her excellent report this term. I was especially pleased to see that her effort levels were good in all subjects - well done, keep up the good work!
  4. ------------ remains a popular member of the tutor group who contributes well to tutor period.
    ------------- represented the tutor group at Sports Day, helping to select the girls relay team with tact and diplomacy. Her contribution to the day, including her support of other members of the group meant that we finished two places higher than last year, an achievement to be proud of.
  5. ------------- has completed another successful term at Brooke Weston. She continues to be a hard-working student, something which is reflected in her excellent report. I was particularly pleased to see the advanced level she achieved for English.
  6. ------------ continues to be a lively and popular member of the tutor group who generally contributes well to tutor period. ------------ represented the tutor group at Sports Day and was supportive of other students.

Report that shows progression

  1. ------------- has had a mixed term at Brooke Weston. I was particularly pleased to see the extended level that she achieved in Mathematics. However, her natural chattiness has, on occasions, meant that she is not always achieving to the best of her abilities. This is something that ------------- needs to focus on as she moves into year nine.
  2. ------------- supported the tutor group at Sports Day and contributed to us finishing two places higher than last year, an achievement to be proud of! I was also pleased that Jessica took part in the sponsored walk for the hospice, giving up her time for a worthwhile cause.
  3. ------------- and I have agreed that next term, she will work with a mature attitude, aiming to put maximum effort into all her lessons. I am sure that she will do this and see the benefits in her next report.
  4. ------------- continues to be a lively member of the tutor group. She generally conducts herself well and taken a more mature attitude towards her work since her last report. This is something she must continue to do in order to achieve to the best of her abilities.
  5. During CPD this term, students have taken part in role plays, presentations and completed written work. ------------- contributed to her group's work about crime and made a valuable contribution to their presentation.
  6. ------------- report this term shows that there are still some areas for improvement. I would like to see her working hard next term to achieve 'good' for effort and homework in the majority of her subjects. I am sure that this is something she is capable of.
  7. ------------- is to be commended on his progress since his last tutor report.
    ------------- now shows more maturity and generally conducts himself well, both during tutor time and around the Academy. ------------- has represented Brooke Weston in basketball matches against other schools and is rightly proud of this achievement.
  8. This term ------------- has helped to show a group of visiting students around the College. Not only was his help with this much appreciated, I also think that ------------- found this a valuable experience.

Report that shows a decline in achievement

  1. Following tremendous improvements in attitude and conduct over the past two terms, ------------ has had a mixed end to year eight. It is vital that ------------ regains his focus during lessons in order to achieve to the best of his abilities.
  2. ------------ report shows that both homework and effort are areas of concern in a number of subjects. ------------ and I have agreed that these are both areas he will work hard to improve next term. I am sure that he will do this in order to have a successful start to year nine.
  3. -------------'s report this term shows that there is some room for improvement in terms of both effort and homework. Given the progress that ------------- has made since his last report, I am confident that he will work with his teachers to improve on both these important aspects of his work over next term.

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