Brooke Weston Academy welcomed Paul Thompson, Employment and Skills Manager, from the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership, (SEMLEP), who gave a careers presentation to our Year 10 students.
Paul began his presentation with an insightful overview of the current labour market in Northamptonshire, which despite some negative media press, is growing and well above the National Average. He identified several occupational groups, which either due to an aging workforce or development of new and emerging technologies, will be actively encouraging young people to become a part of their workforce.
Paul said, ‘We are in the midst of a fourth Industrial Revolution and our region is at the forefront of developing exciting careers in Artificial Intelligence, Agricultural Technology and Space and Aerospace.’
He outlined several examples, all of which will be creating new and exciting careers for our students. They included, robotic farming; AI drones used within warehousing for stock taking; intelligent mobility delivering food to homes around Milton Keynes and soon Northampton and automotive engineering including non-carbon fuelled transportation. He also mentioned how the demand for housing in our region is requiring new and faster methods of home construction powered by the green economy.
Paul explained the importance of employability skills to the students, and identified the most common behaviours and attitudes requested by employers in our region. These include communication; organisational skills; teamwork and collaboration, alongside digital literacy. Our students were surprised to learn that Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Office, were the two digital skills most in demand by employers. Specialist digital skills including art and design software, such as Photoshop and AutoCAD, as well as social media software skills, are also in high demand, ensuring that businesses maintain an online presence.
Paul concluded his presentation with four pieces of advice, he said, ‘If you have a burning desire and or talent to do something or have a career in a certain occupation then do it. Find something you love to do and get someone to pay you for doing it, that way it will never be work. Be patient, do not go too fast too soon, you have your whole life before you and plan your first step to see where it takes you’
Mrs Featherstone, Careers Leader at Brooke Weston, thanked our students for their positive attitude, curiosity and for attending their recent careers meeting. She also thanked those students who have been actively searching for virtual work-experience opportunities through our partnership with Speakers for Schools