Some of our students in year 8 and 9 recently had the opportunity to take part in a skateboarding session when Team Rubicon; the UK's leading provider of skateboard workshops for schools, visited Brooke Weston Academy. Students learned the basics of skateboarding which included pushing and turning, as well as learning how to perform tricks and how to keep safe by wearing the appropriate safety gear.
Skateboarding became popular in the 1960’s and ‘Go Skateboarding Day’ is celebrated annually on June 21. It was also one of the five sports to debut at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
Year 8 student Doro Evwodere said, ‘It was a fun activity and I learnt a lot about how to do the basics and how to do some tricks with the skateboard including flipping it off your foot. I felt safe wearing a helmet and the knee and elbow pads’
Teaching Assistant, Mrs Lazarevic, who supervised the sessions said, ‘It was a perfect opportunity for Year 8 and 9 students to practice resilience which is one of the main values of our Academy. And not only that they had fun learning basic skateboarding skills, they worked cooperatively and showed great support for their friends.’