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Sixth Formers have Safer Driving session via Teams

Year 12 students at Brooke Weston Academy had their first ever Teams talk for their IEC (Inspiration, Endeavour Community Programme), which is being delivered as normally as possible, despite Covid restrictions.

Mr Keith Millard, from Road Safety Education with Northamptonshire Highways, delivered the virtual learning using Teams with support from PCSO Steve Coles and teacher, Mrs Louise Hegarty.

She said: ‘This is the first time that we have used Teams as part of the IEC programme here in school to ensure delivery of a crucial session for Year 12 in the current COVID climate. The Teams technology was very successful ensuring that we were able to prepare Year 12 as an increasing number of students begin driving lessons throughout the forthcoming academic year. The sessions covered attitudes to driving, speeding, distractions, the effect of alcohol and other drugs, the impact of peer pressure and making good choices as passengers in vehicles.’

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