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Dual Cabinet Installation

Life-saving equipment for the community installed at the entrance of BWA

Brooke Weston Academy was proud to be chosen as the location for the installation of the first combined cabinet on the Oakley Vale estate, with the cabinet positioned on the external wall at the entrance to BWA to allow for 24/7 access.  

The cabinet contains both a bleed control kit and an automated external defibrillator (AED), which are for emergency use in the event of a catastrophic bleed or cardiac arrest. An AED is a type of computerised defibrillator that automatically analyses the heart rhythm in people who are experiencing cardiac arrest. When appropriate, it delivers an electrical shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm.

In adults, defibrillation within 3–5 minutes of collapse may produce survival rates as high as 50-70% in the event of a cardiac arrest. The most important actions are calling an ambulance, starting CPR and using an AED. In cases of catastrophic bleeding a patient can die in just 5 minutes, which is why the bleed control kits contain several items that really will make all the difference, including a tourniquet, haemostatic gauze, and a chest seal.

The AED for the new cabinet was donated by North Northants Community First Responders (NNCFR); using vital funds that had been raised and donated within the Oakley Vale area.  

Coordinator of NNCFR, Stacey Price said, ‘I am delighted that we have been able to work closely with the local community to raise enough funds to install this cabinet on the Oakley Vale area. Making bleed kits and AEDs available to the public in those first minutes of a life-threatening emergency situation before an ambulance arrives, can prove absolutely vital.’

Chairman of the NNCFR Charity and Deputy Coordinator, Paul Nelson said, ‘The instalment of this dual cabinet in Oakley Vale is a huge step forward in ensuring that everyone in our community has access to potentially life-saving equipment in their local area. Bleed control kits and AED’s provide the best chance of survival to the patient in those vital minutes before an ambulance crew arrives. We are going to continue to work extremely hard as a charity to see many more cabinets like this installed over the coming years to help save as many lives as possible.’

BWA Principal, Shaun Strydom said, ‘This is a great initiative which will support the community, and we are proud to be a part of this. Thank you to the North Northants Community First Responders for organising this and the community for raising the funds for this vitally important initiative.’

If you would like to help support raising funds to install a cabinet near you or would like to know where your nearest cabinet is or receive training on these vital pieces of equipment, please contact the North Northants Coordinators on  who will be delighted to support you.


Tagged  Community 

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