Year 9 learn about the consequences of serious crime during a series of workshops
Our Year 9 students attended a day of activities and workshops at Brooke Weston Academy as part of an early intervention initiative addressing Northamptonshire Police’s matters-of-priority, including drug harm, violence against women and girls, and serious violent crime.
Facilitators from multiple agencies led the sessions as part of a partnership between the OPFCC Youth Service, the Youth Offending Service, NGAGE (drugs support team), Corby NPT, and the Magistrates Court.
Students spent one lesson with each of the partner organisations learning about the roles each agency has within the legal and social care systems, how they support and advise young people affected by crime and how getting involved in such crimes will impact their future.
Northamptonshire Police Community Support Officer in Corby and organiser of the initiative, Steve Coles said, ‘Secondary schools in Corby have worked in partnership with the local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) for many years and this latest project not only addresses current policing matters-of-priority, but also ties in closely with the schools’ values and priorities. We’re grateful to our partner agencies who have contributed their time and expertise to this initiative.’
Head of PSHE and RE at BWA, Adam Marriott said, ‘The day went incredibly well and the Year 9 students were a credit to the Academy. They engaged in an assembly at the start of the day to set the scene for what the day would be about, including a made-up crime that had been committed. Students engaged well with the tasks set by the agencies in every lesson, building their knowledge of how a case is developed and the process of the criminal justice system. The facilitators were really impressed with how much prior knowledge our students had already learnt from their PSHE lessons at BWA around the criminal justice system.’