BWA staff member appointed in the rank of Second Lieutenant
Congratulations to Food and DT teacher Victoria White, who has received confirmation of her appointment to a Cadet Forces Commission in the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Combined Cadet Force (CCF).
Victoria joined the CCF in April 2022 after being approached by a CCF School Staff Instructor (SSI) who persuaded her that she had the necessary skill set to join up. As part of the application process to her appointment of Second Lieutenant, Victoria had to undergo vetting by the Ministry of Defence as well as completing a weapons handling training course before taking part in a week’s CCF Basic training course.
She said, ‘It was an intense and informative course on the understanding of the army and their ranks and skills involved. The CCF Basic training enabled me to get involved in the running and teaching of the cadet training content. I am currently on a course to complete obstacle and adventure training as well as Duke of Edinburgh (DofE); an area I would like to specialise in due to my fitness teaching background. Being part of the CCF is immensely rewarding as you watch the young cadets grow and develop real life skills. CCF has certainly found me, and I won’t be looking back!’