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Year 7 students choose a free book as part of the Bookbuzz programme

All students in Year 7 have been given the opportunity to choose their own book to take home and keep from a list of 16 titles; all of which have been carefully selected by a panel of experts to ensure quality and suitability.

Bookbuzz is a reading programme from Book Trust, which supports schools to encourage reading for pleasure and develop a whole school reading culture.

The scheme has been running for several years at Brooke Weston Academy and Librarian Wendy Mann said, ‘The Bookbuzz programme helps to encourage a positive attitude towards reading and introduces students to different genres of books they might not have read before. To help students make their choice, they watched the Bookbuzz film, which included a short introduction to each book by the authors of each title. They were then able to flick through a copy of the Bookbuzz books to get an impression of the look and length of each title before making their final decision.’

The most popular title with the students this year was ‘Dread Wood’ by Jennifer Killick, a tense thriller about a group of school students forced to work as a team to defeat the most terrifying of hidden attackers.

Students will receive their chosen book in Term 2 and all the books on the list are available to borrow from the school library.     

Find out more about the Bookbuzz programme and this year’s books.

Tagged  Year 7  Library 

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