BWA Staff and students Get Festive!
Staff and students at Brooke Weston Academy have been getting into the festive spirit with a number of Christmas-themed activities taking place in the last few days of term.
The senior leadership team were been busy assisting the restaurant staff to serve Christmas dinners to students and staff, dishing out hundreds of plates of the festive fare. Brooke Weston Christmas dinners are an integral part of the celebrations each year and the restaurant staff always make every effort to impress, to decorate the restaurant and produce high quality food.
Lead of Culture, Ethos & Wellbeing Sammy Hallybone, along with student committee members, organised a successful Winter Fair with students able to purchase sweets and treats as well as taking part in ‘pinning the Santa hat' on a picture of Vice Principal Mrs Jeyes.’ There was also fun to be had with a tombola, face-painting and matching baby photos to members of staff, with all proceeds from the Winter Fair being donated to the local Foodbank.
Students taking part in the Charity Elective this term have been busy organising a ‘Santa Shoebox’ competition for the Care4Calais refugee charity, with a prize awarded to the tutor group who have donated the most shoeboxes.
Central to the Christmas festivities, in what has now become an annual event, staff and students were encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper on the last day of term in return for a £1 donation if they wished to do so, with the money raised being donated to the local Foodbank. We are incredibly proud of the generosity the staff and families have shown. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this worthy cause.
For information about Corby Foodbank and how to access its services, click here.
As we come to the end of the term, we would like to share some festive cheer with our 'thank a member of staff.' If you would like to send a message of thanks to any particular member of staff or department, could you please take a moment or two to complete the form: https://forms.office.com/e/A4Z0ZAmaNQ All messages would be greatly appreciated.
We wish you all a safe and well-deserved Christmas break and look forward to welcoming all students back in the New Year on Tuesday 9th January.