Students celebrate successes with a special treat
For the last two terms our Year 12 students have been Reader Leader mentors to our year 7 students.
Year 12 were all trained on phonic learning and taught reading strategies that they could employ when reading with their mentees. They put these skills into practice for DART (Drop and Read Together) time to offer all Year 7 students additional opportunities to read aloud, work on expression and prosody in a supportive environment.
The scheme also helps to support the building of relationships between some of our oldest and youngest members of the school with Year 12 being great role models to our newest members of Brooke Weston Academy.
Literacy Coordinator Lauren Fitzjohn said, ‘It has been a very rewarding programme and to celebrate their successes, a treat was arranged for them to share as mentors and mentees over some ‘book chat’ over their favourite books.’