Get ready to celebrate World Book Day at BWA on Thursday 21st March
As a school, we believe reading is an essential skill to enhance wider knowledge, acquire new vocabulary and support confidence and well-being. As the national World Book Day falls in our holidays, we have decided to honour this important day next term in week one with our own BWA World Book Day celebrations.
On Thursday 21st March, students are invited to come to school in an outfit inspired by their favourite book or character. Please note, unlike other themed days, this is not a mufti day and those who choose not to dress up have to wear their school uniform as normal. It is important that those costumes chosen are clearly linked to a book – we ask students to carry a copy of their chosen book with them that day – they are welcome to utilise the school library for this.
Staff and students alike will be getting involved in transforming the school into a living library of all the texts that have inspired us as readers. There will be a series of activities every lesson that day, dedicated to reading and celebrating the knowledge reading provides. There will be prizes and competitions, and we hope as many students as possible will get involved and have some fun celebrating the power of books!
All students have received a £1 WBD token which can be scanned at the checkout of participating booksellers to be swapped for one of the special £1 WBD books for FREE or to use the token to get £1 off any book or audiobook worth £2.99 or more.
Book tokens are valid until Sunday 31st March 2024.
Students who would like to get their hands on one of the free books, but are unsure which one to choose can find out more about the FREE £1 World Book Day books here