Well done to all of our students who are celebrating their GCSE results. Here’s what a few of our top performers are planning to do next:
Winston Ho is our top performing student for 2017 achieving 11 A*/A graded GCSEs, including an A** in Further Mathematics. He said, ‘It feels really good to have done so well, I did a lot of work for these exams and it’s great to see that it paid off. I took my Maths GCSE last year and got an A* but I wanted to take it again to see if I could achieve a higher grade and I got a 9! I am going to study Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, and Music next year. I potentially want to study medicine in the future but I haven’t completely decided yet.’
Amy Kirby was celebrating after achieving 11 A*/A graded GCSEs. She said; ‘I did amazingly, I am so happy. I was really worried about my maths as I came out of one of the papers and I wasn’t sure that I would be able to achieve the grade I needed to get onto Further Maths, but I didn’t need to worry as I got a 9! I was also unsure about English as it is the first year of the new grading and I joined the school late, so I am amazed that I passed with two 9s! I did a lot of hard work throughout the whole of secondary school and it is insane to know that I am one of the top performers in the year. I am coming back here and taking History, English Literature, Maths and Further Maths. I’m just so grateful to this school for all the help they have given me. I joined in Year 9 and if I hadn’t I am sure I wouldn’t have got these results. I chose to come to Brooke Weston as I knew it was an amazing school and I just wanted to be a part of it. I couldn’t have achieved these grades without the help that the teachers have given me and I am so grateful to them all.’
Parasdeep Bains, Luca Milford, George Tysoe and Levia Yee each achieved 10 A*/A graded GCSEs. Paradeep said,’ I’m really proud of my results as I worked very hard for them. There is no getting around the hard work that you have to put in to achieve the results that you want, but if you do the work you will get the results. I’m planning on doing all the Sciences and Maths for A Levels as I would like to be a Doctor when I’m older.
Luca said,’ I think I’m most happiest with my 9s in English Literature and Maths as I put in a lot of hard work and to see them makes me happy. I am coming back to study Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths.’
George said, ‘I think I worked hard and got lucky. I am very happy with my results. I’m going to stay on to take Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry and potentially Music.
Levia said, ‘I did amazingly well and I’m really happy, especially with my 9 in English Language as I got a 7 in my mocks. I revised and watched a lot of YouTube videos to help improve, did essays, and had weekly lessons with Mr Smith which helped push my grade up. I’m going to study Maths, Further Maths, Biology and Chemistry and would like to be a psychiatrist when I’m older.’