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Photography display in local building society

Some of our Sixth Form photography work is currently on display at the Market Harborough Building Society in Corby town centre.

The building society has a changing display of artwork in its branches and Head of Art Jenny Strydom was invited to submit work, which is being displayed at their branch in Post Office Square until 4 February. She selected a few pieces from this year’s A Level coursework.

Donna Bailey from the building society said: ‘This is the first time we have had students of this age displaying their art work at our Corby branch. Other branches have had successful exhibitions from GCSE and A level students and this is why I approached Brooke Weston Academy with this exciting opportunity. All of our branches have Art Walls for use by local artists. Our customers really like seeing the different exhibitions and we believe that the spaces give a great opportunity for exposure for many artists of different levels.’

Students have also been asked to choose pieces to submit for the University of Northampton’s Schools Art and Design Competition, which is open to all students from across the East Midlands and has categories including drawing, graphic design, digital and new media, photography, fashion and textiles, with an exhibition running from 15 until 21 March at Waterside Campus, followed by an awards ceremony.

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