Brooke Weston Academy and Corby Technical School are consulting on collaborating over their Sixth Form provisions to offer a range of courses across their two sites as part of a single Sixth Form offer.
The scheme would mean that students from both schools, as well as successful external applicants, will be able to access a new suite of qualifications, tailored to their aspirations and abilities, in academic, applied and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects.
Lessons, pastoral support and specialist advice will be delivered at both schools. Students will be based full time at one or other of the sites depending on their course choices. All students will meet regularly for enrichment activities, careers advice, guest speaker events and assemblies. The small existing Sixth Form at Corby Technical School will close, and students will be able to join the one led by Brooke Weston Academy.
The proposed change would take place from September 2021, meaning that students currently in Year 10 and below in both schools will be able to take advantage of the enhanced curriculum. The existing high-quality programmes in both schools will remain in place until then.
Brooke Weston Trust CEO Dr Andrew Campbell said: ‘This new Sixth Form will draw on the success and expertise in the two schools to give students a greater range of choices. This is an excellent opportunity for our students and makes sense because both schools have a five-term academic year. Of course, the five-term model is not for everyone and we are also delighted with the great work being done in our Sixth Forms operating on traditional term times. As a Trust we are proud to offer this choice of academic calendar to the communities we serve.’
Brooke Weston Academy’s Principal Pete Kirkbride said: ‘This is an exciting development that will enable us to offer not only traditional academic routes, but also make the most of the expertise and facilities at Corby Technical School to expand our remit in even more STEM and technical-based subjects. We will develop a tailored and inclusive curriculum, providing a top-class education for all students, whether they wish to pursue academic subjects or more practical pathways and apprenticeships.’
Corby Technical School’s Principal, Angela Reynolds said: ‘I am immensely proud of what our school and staff have achieved for our students in terms of their academic performance, particularly in computer science and related STEM subjects. As we and Brooke Weston Academy are both outstanding schools, this plan offers our students a very exciting opportunity. Not only will they have the care and attention of being in a relatively small cohort in the lower years here, they will then take advantage of the expertise and heritage that Brooke Weston Academy offers in Year 12 and beyond. This is a collaborative scheme and I and my staff look forward to welcoming more Sixth Formers to Corby Technical School.’
The opinion of parents/carers and local stakeholders is important to us. Details of information events to be held in both schools will be published shortly. In the meantime, if you have any views or questions about this proposal, they can be submitted via this Survey Monkey link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/sixthformcollaboration or additionally via the Northamptonshire County Council’s school admissions page https://www3.northamptonshire.gov.uk/councilservices/children-families-education/schools-and-education/school-admissions/Pages/default.aspx
The consultation period will end on 20 December 2019. Following the conclusion of the consultation Brooke Weston Trust will consider whether to approach the Department for Education to seek permission to proceed with the proposal.