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Hannah promotes sport across primary and secondary phases

PE teacher Hannah Layram has a dual role across the Brooke Weston Trust schools as she teaches both at Brooke Weston Academy, and also at primary level, promoting sport across the age phases.

Hannah, who has been in the profession for five years, initially trained as a secondary teacher and works at Brooke Weston Academy for one day a week. She also is a PE specialist at Compass Primary Academy in Kettering instilling younger students with a love of sport that will stand them in good stead when they move up to secondary level.

She said: ‘Although I love teaching GCSE PE you can have a huge impact in the primary years. I would like my Year 6s going to secondary school ready to play sports and games because I know what it is like if your Year 7 students don’t know the basics.'

She has implemented a primary curriculum which means that students learn sequenced skills and have opportunities to play football, netball and rugby from an early age.

‘However I have missed teaching GCSE PE so it is great to be able to come to Brooke Weston Academy and connect with the older students as well. PE is so important across both age phases as the connection between physical and mental health cannot be under-estimated. If we can get students to participate and feel confident in sport from a young age then they will be able to develop and continue that at secondary level, which leads to a life-long love of sport and activity.

‘Being part of the Brooke Weston Trust means that I have the privilege of teaching sport across the age range and also have the opportunity to meet lots of different colleagues, who have been very welcoming.’

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