Students in Year 12 at Brooke Weston Academy have been working with the poet and musician, Quinton Green, to produce a piece of creative writing, as part of the Writing East Midlands 2Fast2Soon road safety project. This spoken word film project, which will take place later in 2021, brings together students at several Northamptonshire Sixth forms in conjunction with film company, The Screen Business. Their work will be included in a short film which will tell the story of a fatal road traffic incident involving young passengers in Northamptonshire. The poetry produced will reflect the feelings and thoughts of young people around new drivers’ behaviours and attitudes.
Student Zoe Patel said, ’ The session was brilliant as Quinton’s activities were really interactive and he was very animated when talking and explaining what he wanted us to do.’
Mia Diamond said, ‘He was very good at providing feedback on what we had written and used his own work to help provide us with a starting point when attempting to write.’
Post-16 Co-Curricular Coordinator, Mrs Hegarty, said, ‘I organised this event with Writing East Midlands, who are based in Nottingham, and my hopes are that the experience will create a legacy for making the right choices when travelling in a vehicle, such as respecting speed limits and wearing a seat belt. This will not just be for the students that participated in the workshops, but those they share lessons with, work with and socialise with, now and in the future. The experience was powerful for all students involved as they learned information about the events leading up to and following a car accident involving young people from Kettering, of similar ages to them, that proved to be fatal for some, and life-changing for all.’