This year sees the 25th anniversary of World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. Celebrating 25 years of bringing a love of reading to young people while looking to the future to develop a culture of reading for pleasure for future generations. World Book Day’s mission is ‘to offer every child and young person the opportunity to read and love books by giving them the chance to have a book of their own.’
All students at Brooke Weston Academy will receive a £1 World Book Day token that they can swap for one of the £1 World Book Day books for FREE or use the token to get £1 off any book or audiobook worth £2.99 or more in participating bookstores. (See token for more details and to access the terms and conditions)
Students who would like to get their hands on one of the free books, but are unsure which one to choose can find out more about the FREE £1 World Book Day books here: