Some of our Year 7 students have been taking advantage of the photography equipment and facilities at Brooke Weston Academy, as part of their current Art project. Students in 7B, 7W, 7S and 7N, have used their Art lessons to take a series of still life photographs linking to the work of the famous photographer, Edward Weston. Students have been studying his work and have also learnt about photography and how it has changed over time. They have produced posters identifying top photography tips and have put these into practice, working in small groups to take their own photographs.
Daniel Beezer, 7N said, ‘I think the photography lessons have been really fun and I especially liked that we got to use the DSLR cameras. It felt like I was discovering a new skill. It was so fun that I’ve been contemplating buying a camera of my own! Taking photos of still life was an amazing experience because it taught me a new way of looking at everyday objects.’
Trisha Pyro, 7N said, ‘I really enjoyed having the freedom to be able to take our own photos. I liked how we got to learn all about the cameras and how they worked before the photoshoot so we didn’t get confused.’
The Art Department have been extremely impressed with the quality of the photos taken so far and are looking forward to seeing the photography work from the other groups in Year 7.
BWA delivers an Art curriculum which covers the whole range of artistic activity from painting and drawing to three dimensional construction, ceramics, printmaking, digital and traditional photography and even touches on animation. In addition to painting and printmaking equipment, photographic dark room, potters’ wheels, and kilns, the department boasts more than four dozen computers equipped with professional quality Art and Photography software, including Photoshop.
We are very proud of the impressive results our students achieve at GCSE and A Level; the subject is a popular option and students from our Art courses have gone on to pursue careers in Architecture, Illustration, Fashion Design, Photography, Computer-Aided Design and Fine Art among many other Art-related vocations. These accomplishments are founded upon a wide-ranging and exciting curriculum which begins in Year 7 and progressively provides students with all the skills and techniques they need to succeed at GCSE and A Level.
Teacher of Art and Photography, Abbie Coles, said, ‘Over the past two years it hasn’t been possible to offer our usual KS3 photography projects due to the Covid restrictions. However, we are very excited as a department to be getting back to normal and offer a wide range of art disciplines again including; ceramics, wire sculpting, painting, and of course photography.’