Congratulations to Year 10 student Amelia Sulch who has been awarded The Thornton Trophy for girl’s team spirit at the Kettering Amateur Swimming Club’s annual awards night.
The presentation at the Eden Centre saw age group awards from the 2017 Club Championships given out along with annual trophies. Amelia won her award for her enthusiasm and dedication, which inspires others. She said, ‘I was excited and honoured to receive my award. I have been swimming competitively for three years now and I just love it. I train four days a week and have to be at the pool by 7am on a Saturday for a two hour session but I really enjoy it.
‘I started swimming quite late in life compared to others in my team who have been swimming since the age of seven, but I am putting in a lot of hard work so I am starting to catch up. The coaches really push and help you to achieve faster times.
‘My favourite stoke is front crawl or breast stroke. I want to improve my times and I am competitive but more than anything I just love being at the pool, I have made so many lovely friends through swimming, it’s so much fun and that is why I do it.’