Year 12 student secures a place on the NLive Radio Traineeship
Congratulations to Year 12 Weronika Lecka who has secured a place on the NLive Radio Traineeship as part of the Aspire Higher programme. Weronika will travel to the NLive radio studios at St Johns Hall, Northampton every Wednesday over the course of 8 weeks and will be introduced to the NLive Radio team. The traineeship includes presenting, interviewing and production development to produce material that will be broadcast on NLive Radio.
Weronika, who is currently studying A-Level English Language and Literature, Media Studies and French, said, ‘I found out about the NLive Radio traineeship from the Director of Sixth Form, Mrs Brennan after she posted a digital advert about it to the Year 12 students. I decided to apply because I am definitely thinking about becoming a journalist in the future and thought that this would be a great opportunity to see what it is like to work in a radio studio.
I am looking forward to producing media content that many people can listen to, as well as learning the fundamental journalism skills. I am also looking forward to meeting new people that will have similar interests and aspirations of working in the media industry, and getting support from those who are already experienced.
I hope to go to university and study Languages and English, and I am interested and passionate about football, so I hope to become a sports journalist. I would advise any students to get involved with traineeships like this in order to gain experience in their field of interest. I think it is beneficial to learn and gain as much experience as possible before entering the world of work. This kind of extracurricular opportunities can look good on your CV, and universities and job companies will definitely take them into account.'