Study Skills
Learning and Information Skills
The following information is a guide to planning and presenting a successful research project.
Planning Skills
- What do I need to do?
- What resources do I need?
- How long do I have?
- How do I need to present my work?
Location and Gathering Skills
- Am I familiar with the organisation of the library?
- Dewey Decimal Classification order
- Alphabetical order
- Use of indices, contents pages, glossary etc.
- Format - books, periodicals, ephemera, statistical information
- Am I familiar with IT sources of information?
- databases, CD-ROM, Internet, etc
Selection and Recording Skills
- Do I need up to date, authoritative information?
- Do I need different points of view?
- Is there any bias in the information I have gathered?
- Do I discard any information at this stage?
Organisation and Recording Skills
- Note-taking
- Precis/Summary/Abstract
- Citing quotations - compiling a bibliography
Communication and Realisation Skills
- Have I understood the information?
- Can I communicate the information successfully?
- Am I presenting original work?
Evaluation Skills
- Have I accomplished all I need to do?
- Have I used all relevant resources?
- Have I completed my work in the time frame?
- Have I organised and presented my work in the most helpful and appropriate manner?
The following links are all part of the Skills Hub created by the Library and Learning Services at the University of Northampton.